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SEO Writing: How to Write for SEO (10 Easy Steps for Writers)

Writing for SEO is an art. The job of an SEO writer is to write content that search engines and users can easily understand. This is done by intelligently adding search phrases or keywords in your content without doing keyword stuffing.

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SEO writing is also known as SEO copywriting or search engine optimization writing.

How do you write for SEO? Is there a process anyone can follow to be a better SEO writer?

In this guide, youll learn everything you need to know about SEO writing. I will explain what is SEO writing and the 10 steps to follow to ensure that each piece of content you write is search engine friendly.

What is SEO Writing

SEO writing is the process of writing content with the intent of ranking on the first page of a search engine, e.g., Google.

To do so, you must focus on three things:

  • Know what searchers need when they search your target keyword (i.e., search intent)

  • Create the best possible answer to a given search query (i.e., content quality)

  • Present the answer in a way thats easy to read and understand (i.e., on-page SEO)

Search intent is the intention a searcher has when they type in a query. For example, if someone searches for best restaurants near me, their intention is to find a good restaurant near their location. Search intent can be classified into four types: informational, navigational, transactional, and commercial.

Content quality is the measure of how well your content satisfies the search intent. To create high-quality content, you must do thorough research, provide accurate and relevant information, and use clear and concise language. Content quality also depends on factors such as originality, credibility, and freshness.

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages for search engines and users. It involves using various elements such as title tags, meta descriptions, headings, images, links, and keywords to make your content more appealing and relevant. On-page SEO also includes technical aspects such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and URL structure.

How to Write for SEO

Now that you know what SEO writing is, lets dive into the 10 steps you need to follow to write for SEO.

Heres a quick summary of the steps:

  • Choose your keywords (both head and long tail keywords)

  • Craft your page title

  • Create an SEO friendly URL (add your main keyword)

  • Write the content (long enough)

  • Add your keywords in the first paragraph

  • Create headings using long-tail keywords

  • Add LSI-related keywords to your content

  • Link to other pages on your website using relevant anchor text

  • Demonstrate your expertise and authority on the subject (E-A-T)

  • Add and optimize images

Lets look at each step in detail.

Step 1: Choose your keywords (both head and long tail keywords)

The first step of SEO writing is to choose the right keywords for your content. Keywords are the words and phrases that users type into search engines to find what they are looking for. They are also the words and phrases that you want your content to rank for.

To choose your keywords, you need to do some keyword research. Keyword research is the process of finding out what keywords your target audience is using, how popular they are, how competitive they are, and how relevant they are to your topic.

There are many tools you can use to do keyword research, such as KeywordsFX and Keyword Tool. These tools can help you generate hundreds of keyword ideas based on your topic or seed keyword. They can also show you important metrics such as search volume, competition, cost per click, and keyword difficulty.

When choosing your keywords, you should consider both head and long tail keywords. Head keywords are short and generic terms that have high search volume but low specificity. For example, SEO is a head keyword. Long tail keywords are longer and more specific terms that have lower search volume but higher relevance. For example, how to write for SEO is a long tail keyword.

Head keywords are usually more competitive and harder to rank for than long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are usually more targeted and easier to rank for than head keywords. Therefore, you should aim for a mix of both types of keywords in your content.

For example, if you want to write an article about SEO writing, you could use SEO writing as your main keyword or focus keyword. This is the keyword that you want your content to rank for the most. Then, you could use some long tail keywords as secondary keywords or supporting keywords. These are the keywords that you want your content to rank for as well but not as much as your main keyword. Some examples of long tail keywords for SEO writing are:

  • What is SEO writing

  • How to write for SEO

  • SEO writing tips

  • SEO writing examples

  • SEO writing tools

You can use these long tail keywords in your headings, subheadings, paragraphs, and images to make your content more relevant and comprehensive.

Step 2: Craft your page title

The next step of SEO writing is to craft your page title. Your page title is the headline that appears on the search engine results page (SERP) when someone searches for your keyword. It is also the headline that appears on the browser tab when someone visits your web page.

Your page title is one of the most important elements of SEO writing because it tells both search engines and users what your content is about. It also influences whether someone will click on your link or not.

To craft a good page title, you should follow these tips:

  • Include your main keyword in your page title. This will help search engines understand the topic of your page and match it with relevant queries

  • Make your page title catchy and descriptive. This will help users decide whether your page is worth clicking on or not. You can use techniques such as numbers, questions, power words, brackets, and modifiers to make your page title more appealing

  • Keep your page title within 60 characters. This will ensure that your page title is not truncated by search engines and that it fits well on mobile devices

For example, a good page title for an article about SEO writing could be:

SEO Writing: How to Write for SEO (10 Easy Steps for Writers)

This page title includes the main keyword SEO writing, a catchy and descriptive phrase How to Write for SEO, a number 10, and a modifier Easy.

Step 3: Create an SEO Friendly URL (add your main keyword)

The third step of SEO writing is to create an SEO friendly URL. Your URL is the web address of your page that appears on the search engine results page (SERP) and on the browser bar when someone visits your web page.

Your URL is another important element of SEO writing because it tells both search engines and users what your page is about. It also influences whether someone will click on your link or not.

To create an SEO friendly URL, you should follow these tips:

  • Include your main keyword in your URL. This will help search engines understand the topic of your page and match it with relevant queries

  • Make your URL short and descriptive. This will help users remember your URL and know what to expect from your page. You can use hyphens (-) to separate words in your URL

  • Avoid using unnecessary words, symbols, or parameters in your URL. This will make your URL cleaner and easier to read

For example, a good URL for an article about SEO writing could be:

This URL includes the main keyword seo-writing, is short and descriptive, and does not have any extra words or symbols.

Step 4: Write the content (long enough)

The fourth step of SEO writing is to write the content. This is the main body of your web page that provides the answer to the search query of your target audience.

To write good content, you should follow these tips:

  • Write engaging and informative content that satisfies the search intent of your target audience. You should know what type of content they are looking for (e.g., blog post, product review, how-to guide, etc.) and provide them with the best possible answer to their query

  • Write long enough content that covers the topic in depth. You should provide enough details, examples, facts, and data to support your points and answer any possible questions that your audience might have. There is no exact word count for how long your content should be, but generally speaking, longer content tends to rank better than shorter content

  • Write clear and concise content that is easy to read and understand. You should use simple and direct language, short sentences and paragraphs, bullet points and lists, transition words and phrases, and active voice. You should also avoid grammar and spelling errors, jargon and slang, and passive voice

For example, if you want to write an article about SEO writing, you could start with an introduction that explains what SEO writing is and why it is important. Then, you could write the main body of the article that follows the 10 steps of SEO writing that you outlined earlier. Finally, you could end with a conclusion that summarizes the main points of the article and provides a call to action.

Step 5: Add your keywords in the first paragraph

The fifth step of SEO writing is to add your keywords in the first paragraph of your content. This will help search engines understand the topic of your page and match it with relevant queries.

To add your keywords in the first paragraph, you should follow these tips:

  • Use your main keyword in the first sentence or within the first 100 words of your content. This will signal to search engines what your page is about and help them rank it accordingly

  • Use some long-tail keywords in the rest of the paragraph. This will help you target more specific queries and provide more context to your content

  • Avoid keyword stuffing or using too many keywords in a unnatural way. This will make your content look spammy and hurt your rankings

For example, if you want to write an article about SEO writing, you could start your first paragraph like this:

Writing for SEO is an art. The job of an SEO writer is to write content that search engines and users can easily understand. This is done by intelligently adding search phrases or keywords in your content without doing keyword stuffing. SEO writing is also known as SEO copywriting or search engine optimization writing. In this guide, youll learn everything you need to know about SEO writing, including what it is, why it is important, and how to do it in 10 easy steps.

This paragraph uses the main keyword SEO writing in the first sentence, and some long-tail keywords such as write content that search engines and users can easily understand, SEO copywriting, and search engine optimization writing in the rest of the paragraph. It also avoids keyword stuffing or using too many keywords in a unnatural way.

Step 6: Create headings using long-tail keywords

The sixth step of SEO writing is to create headings using long-tail keywords. Headings are the subheadings that divide your content into sections and make it easier to scan and read.

To create headings using long-tail keywords, you should follow these tips:

  • Use different levels of headings (H2, H3, H4) to create a clear hierarchy and structure for your content. H2 headings are the main subheadings that correspond to the main points of your content. H3 headings are the sub-subheadings that correspond to the sub-points of your content. H4 headings are the sub-sub-subheadings that correspond to the sub-sub-points of your content

  • Use long-tail keywords in your headings that match the search intent and the content of each section. This will help you target more specific queries and provide more context to your content

  • Make your headings catchy and descriptive. This will help users decide whether they want to read each section or not. You can use techniques such as numbers, questions, power words, brackets, and modifiers to make your headings more appealing

For example, if you want to write an article about SEO writing, you could use the following headings for each section:

What is SEO Writing

How to Write for SEO

Step 1: Choose your keywords (both head and long tail keywords)

Step 2: Craft your page title

Step 3: Create an SEO Friendly URL (add your main keyword)

Step 4: Write the content (long enough)

Step 5: Add your keywords in the first paragraph

Step 6: Create headings using long-tail keywords

Step 7: Add LSI-related keywords to your content

Step 8: Link to other pages on your website using relevant anchor text

Step 9: Demonstrate your expertise and authority on the subject (E-A-T)

Step 10: Add and optimize images



These headings use different levels of headings (H2, H3) to create a clear hierarchy and structure for the content. They also use long-tail keywords such as what is SEO writing, how to write for SEO, choose your keywords, craft your page title, etc. that match the search intent and the content of each section. They also make the headings catchy and descriptive by using techniques such as numbers, questions, power words, brackets, and modifiers.

Step 7: Add LSI-related keywords to your content

The seventh step of SEO writing is to add LSI-related keywords to your content. LSI stands for latent semantic indexing, which is a technique that search engines use to understand the meaning and context of a web page.

LSI-related keywords are words and phrases that are semantically related to your main keyword. They are not synonyms or variations of your main keyword, but rather words and phrases that are commonly associated with it. For example, some LSI-related keywords for SEO writing are:

  • Search engine optimization

  • Keyword research

  • Title tag

  • Meta description

  • H1 tag

  • Etc.

To add LSI-related keywords to your content, you should follow these tips:

  • Use LSI-related keywords naturally throughout your content. This will help you create more relevant and comprehensive content that covers all aspects of your topic and satisfies the search intent of your target audience

  • Use LSI-related keywords sparingly and avoid overusing them. This will prevent your content from looking spammy and unnatural

  • Use tools such as LSI Graph and LSIGen to find LSI-related keywords for your main keyword. These tools can help you generate a list of LSI-related keywords based on your main keyword and show you important metrics such as search volume, competition, and relevance

For example, if you want to write an article about SEO writing, you could use some LSI-related keywords such as search engine optimization, keyword research, title tag, meta description, etc. throughout your content. You could also use tools such as LSI Graph and LSIGen to find more LSI-related keywords for your main keyword.

Step 8: Link to other pages on your website using relevant anchor text

The eighth step of SEO writing is to link to other pages on your website using relevant anchor text. Internal links are links that connect your web pages with each other. They help users navigate your website and find more information on related topics.

To link to other pages on your website using relevant anchor text, you should follow these tips:

  • Use internal links to provide additional value and context to your content. You should link to other pages on your website that are relevant and helpful to your target audience. For example, if you are writing an article about SEO writing, you could link to other articles on your website that cover topics such as SEO basics, SEO tools, SEO strategies, etc.

  • Use descriptive and natural anchor text for your internal links. Anchor text is the clickable text that users see when they hover over a link. It should tell users what the linked page is about and entice them to click on it. You should avoid using generic or vague anchor text such as click here, read more, or this page

  • Use internal links sparingly and strategically. You should not overdo internal linking or link to every page on your website. This will make your content look spammy and confusing. You should also avoid linking to the same page multiple times or linking to pages that are not relevant or useful to your content

For example, if you want to write an article about SEO writing, you could use the following internal links with relevant anchor text:

If you are new to SEO, you might want to check out our SEO basics guide first.

One of the most important steps of SEO writing is keyword research. Keyword research is the process of finding out what keywords your target audience is using and how to use them in your content.

To optimize your images for SEO, you need to use image SEO best practices. These include adding alt text, compressing images, using responsive images, etc.

Step 9: Demonstrate your expertise and authority on the subject (E-A-T)

The ninth step of SEO writing is to demonstrate your expertise and authority on the subject (E-A-T). E-A-T stands for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, which are the factors that Google uses to evaluate the quality and credibility of a web page.

To demonstrate your E-A-T, you should follow these tips:

  • Showcase your credentials and qualifications on the subject. You should provide information about yourself or your organization that proves that you are knowledgeable and experienced on the topic. For example, you could mention your education, certifications, awards, publications, testimonials, etc.

  • Cite reputable sources and provide evidence for your claims. You should back up your statements with facts, data, statistics, studies, research, etc. from reliable and authoritative sources. You should also provide links to these sources so that users can verify them

  • Update your content regularly and keep it fresh. You should make sure that your content is accurate and up-to-date with the latest information and trends on the topic. You should also revise and improve your content based on user feedback and performance metrics

For example, if you want to write an article about SEO writing, you could demonstrate your E-A-T by doing the following: - Introduce yourself or your organization as an expert on SEO writing. For example, you could write something like this: Hi, I'm John Smith, a professional SEO writer and the founder of, a website that helps businesses and individuals improve their online presence and visibility. I have over 10 years of experience in SEO writing and have written for some of the most popular websites and publications in the industry.

- Cite reputable sources and provide evidence for your cla


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