One Piece 3D: Mugiwara Chase
The entire Straw Hat crew began to search for Luffy's important straw hat after he wakes up to find it missing. Meanwhile, while exploring a ship that seemed to be empty, Usopp and Chopper happened to find a pirate who was sick and decided to treat him back on the Thousand Sunny. When a bird was spotted holding onto Luffy's hat, the crew began to give chase and have to overcome obstacles such as the unexpected Marines and Sea Kings.
One Piece 3D: Mugiwara Chase
They take him back to the Shark Submerge III to get him treated on the Sunny but just as they are about to leave, a giant bird lands on the ship with Luffy's straw hat in its beak. Usopp alerts the others which instantly revives the waterlogged Luffy who orders the crew after it. In the midst of the chase a Marine ship appears behind them. Franky orders the crew back to the Sunny as they continue to follow after the bird. The chase leads them through some glaciers, through a Marine blockade, into a cave, off a waterfall and into a nest of sea kings. All the while Luffy uses his powers to personally chase after the bird. Luffy manages to chase it into a volcanic region while Chopper manages to revive Schneider who tells the reindeer doctor of wanting to see his only companion, his dog Buzz who ate the Tori Tori no Mi Model: Eagle.
All-CGI Cartoon: Movie, but whatever. It has some pretty amazing tracking shots, too.
Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The climax sees the Straw Hats against three Marine giants.
Break His Heart to Save Him: Or rather "Break his heart so he doesn't watch me die," which is what Schneider tries to do with Buzz.
The Faceless: The Marine Giants all wear helmets over their faces.
Kick the Dog: The Marine Captain that captures Luffy and Buzz does this by holding Luffy's straw hat by the barrel of his gun and then shooting it to just to mock Luffy.
Mistaken for Dying: What Schneider thought of himself when he started coughing up blood. Turns out he had a fork lodged in his stomach he accidentally ate that was poking his insides. He unknowingly coughs it up in the middle of the movie which Chopper finds shortly after.
No Name Given: The Marine Captain.
The Reveal: Buzz is of course the eagle in question having eaten a eagle zoan model Devil Fruit.
Ska: Also known for being the first movie that doesn't use the orchestral score, rather a Ska band was hired to preform the music. If it fits with the movie or not is up to the viewers.
Snipe Hunt: Schneider had told Buzz he can stay with him if he can steal the hat of Straw Hat Luffy, thinking it'll be an impossible task. Buzz pretty much proves him wrong.
The Unfought: The Marine Captain, though Luffy pays him back for the Kick the Dog moment above by knocking a giant near the platform he's on. The pieces of mace the giant was holding shatter and crush the captain as he's trying to run.
While the Straw Hats enjoy a warm day at the beach, their ship with all their equipment and weapons is stolen. They can do nothing but watch, as it disappears into the distance. A week later, dressed in cloth from a rental store for wedding ceremonies and riding a one-person paddle boat they set out to go after their lost belongings. At sea, they encounter the boy Akizu and the young man Borodo. The two call themselves the Thief Brothers and claim to be after a well-known treasure, called the Diamond Clock from Clockwork Island. Actually, they are the ones who stole the Straw Hats' ship and brought it to Clockwork Island to make the Straw Hats fight the Trump Siblings. The Trump Siblings Boo Jack, Honey Queen, Skunk One, Pin Joker, and Bear King (the leader), are another pirate crew who occupied Clockwork Island for years and forced its inhabitants to build weapons. A number of ships bearing the mark of the Trump Siblings appear and a short fight ensues, during which the Thief Brothers' ship is destroyed and Nami abducted. Using mere pieces of wood to stay afloat and an improvised sail for propulsion, the group manages to reach the foot of Clockwork Island. A long, circular staircase laced with deadly traps leads up to the actual island. There, Nami makes the acquaintance of the Trump Siblings' captain, Bear King. He takes a liking to her and decides to make her his bride. Eventually the Thief Brothers and the remaining Straw Hats make it to the end of the stairway and onto the main island. A beautiful landscape appears in front of them, but the island's citizens are in no mood to cherish it. Not knowing that Akizu is their son, a pair of them tells the group of the island's past. Then the heroes storm the Trump Siblings' stronghold, built around the island's key, which holds the island together. One after another, the Straw Hats get picked off and captured, until only Luffy remains. Once he reaches the stronghold's top and frees his crew, the movie climaxes in an all-out battle, during which the Trump Siblings are defeated and the island's key is destroyed. Clockwork Island crashes down into the ocean, but Akizu reunites with his family and the Straw Hats reclaim their ship.
Luffy desperately tries to find his missing straw hat, and after extensive searching Usopp discovers that an eagle has it. Luffy and the entire Crew proceed to chase the eagle. While searching for Luffy's hat, Chopper discovers an old man lying half dead on a ship. While Luffy continues chasing the eagle and eventually crashes it into a marine base, the old man named Schneider wakes up. Chopper noticed that he had been mumbling the name Bazz in his sleep, and asks him who it is. Schneider tells Chopper that Bazz was his friend and that he was a dog that ate the "tori tori no mi: model eagle". He tells Chopper that he told Bazz to steal Monkey D. Luffy's hat and then he could come back. He thought that telling Bazz this would force him to abandon Schneider, because he didn't want Bazz to see him die. When Chopper informs him that not only did Bazz successfully steal Luffy's hat, but that he was on the Straw Hat Pirates' ship. Schneider immediately jumps out of bed and runs to save Bazz who at that moment is trapped in a cage with Luffy, made of kairouseki. After Luffy's crew frees him and Bazz, Schneider apologizes to Bazz and tells him to give up on the hat. Luffy meanwhile is fighting his way through a whole marine base along with three giants. Finally he makes it to the marine captain holding his hat, only to have him throw it out to sea. Luffy immediately jumps out after it, and almost has it when he starts to fall. Bazz then comes to his rescue and Luffy finally retrieves his hat. Afterwards Schneider and Bazz decide to go back out to sea and Schneider tells Luffy that the hat suits him.
Mamoru Hosoda, director of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Wolf Children and more, certainly doesn't seem like the type of guy to take on a One Piece movie. When he did, though, it was truly something special. Never has One Piece been anywhere near as experimental, gripping and terrifying as it was in this film. The aesthetic is creative, there are some serious stakes, and the plot is uncharacteristically dark. You'll be taken on a journey by Hosoda's stylized animation, watching as the Straw Hats' getaway to Omatsuri Island morphs into something way more serious than anyone expected. Even for those who aren't well-acquainted with One Piece, this film stands out as a dazzlingly unique piece of media, rejecting the usual One Piece flair while still capturing the spirit of the series. Definitely check it out. 041b061a72